10 Warning Signs Your Family Member Needs Help

elder care MA home health care south shore MA

elder care MA home health care south shore MA

The Council on Aging offers these warning signs that your elderly relative needs help:


  1. Poor eating habits resulting in a decrease in weight, no appetite or missed meals.
  2. Neglected hygiene: wearing dirty clothes, body odor, neglected nails and teeth.
  3. Neglected home that is not as clean or sanitary as you remember growing up.
  4. Inappropriate behavior by acting loud, quiet, paranoid or making phone calls at all hours.
  5. Change in relationship patterns that friends or neighbors have noticed.
  6. Burns or injuries resulting from weakness, forgetfulness or misuse of alcohol or meds.
  7. Decreased participation in activities such as attending the senior center, book club or church.
  8. Scorched pots and pans, showing forgetfulness for dinner cooking on the stove.
  9. Unopened mail, newspaper piles and missed appointments.
  • Mishandled finances such as losing money, paying bills twice or hiding money.


If you notice any of these signs when you visit your parents or grandparents, it is time to decide as a family the best plan of care.


COMMUNITY HOME CARE, a family owned and operated homecare agency, can provide a no cost/no obligation home visit and family meeting to help determine the best care for your loved one. We offer a wide range of services customized to meet each client’s needs.


communityhomecarenorwell@gmail.com or 781-569-4970